Basically “LOVE” is a unique feeling that can’t be defined if we really live it. On the contrary it can be defined with all its technicalities for all other purposes. To be very straight and simple, “Love” can be defined as the behavioral approach between two persons that involves affection, emotion and sentiments.

Here we have tried to define love through several definitions:

Romantic love quotesLove is a feeling of strong connection and attachment those are persuaded by extreme delight and admiration; dedication and devotion to each other along with affection and tenderness.

Romantic love quotesLove is not a necessity, but it is life's greatest gift and luxury. It is to care, to be kind and patient. It is considered as perfect love when a person doesn't expect anything else but love.

Romantic love quotes
Love knows when to put pride to the side, because the greatest thing one can be proud of is the love that is shared.

Romantic love quotes
Love is or should be unconditional. And thus is giving and selfless, it is a celebration of what is right and what is true

Romantic love quotes
For the unperfected will pass upon, the coming of that which is perfect, as perfect love never ends.

Romantic love quotes
Love is undying devotion.

Romantic love quotesLove is the desire to be intimate both physically and emotionally.

Romantic love quotes
Love endures all, hopes all, and bears all. It is believing, sharing and dreaming.

Romantic love quotes
Love is a feeling of completeness, forgiving, understanding and inspiring.

Romantic love quotes
Love is the attainment of life's greatest inspiration. It is supporting, but not overbearing.

Romantic love quotes
Love is a complete expression of oneself or the other. it is being open to each other's expression

Romantic love quotes
Love can be strong, yet so fragile.

Romantic love quotes
There are those out there who have not been lucky enough to find it, some never will. In addition, what one would call true in its best, purest, truest sense is even rarer and harder to find.

Romantic love quotes
The dream of finding and marrying for true love exists and concludes by everything falling into place.

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